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Mintoak AIM

Analytics, Insights & Metrics

Powerful analytics and platform innovation transforming business finance.
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Interactive Dashboards & Business Insights
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Multi-location Consolidated View
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Credit-to-bank information

Interactive Dashboards & Business Insights

Get real time updates on your business, such as total sales, transaction history, one view across payment modes, customizable transaction reports, performance trends, insights on new and repeat customers and customer feedback as well.

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Multi-location Consolidated View

Have more than one outlet? We have got you covered. You can get a consolidated view across all outlets in one place. A comparative view of outlets helps you understand how each outlet is performing. Get in-depth insights on the performance of a particular outlet or a group of outlets.

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Credit-to-bank information.

Get a quick consolidated and outlet level view of merchant payout details from the settlement or credit-to-bank section. You can see the total amount credited for transactions completed successfully. You get a transparent view of gross amount, transaction fees if any and the net amount.

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Interactive Dashboards & Business Insights

Multi-location Consolidated View

Credit-to-bank information.

Interactive Dashboards & Business Insights

Get real time updates on your business, such as total sales, transaction history, one view across payment modes, customizable transaction reports, performance trends, insights on new and repeat customers and customer feedback as well.

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Multi-location Consolidated View

Have more than one outlet? We have got you covered. You can get a consolidated view across all outlets in one place. A comparative view of outlets helps you understand how each outlet is performing. Get in-depth insights on the performance of a particular outlet or a group of outlets.

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Credit-to-bank information.

Get a quick consolidated and outlet level view of merchant payout details from the settlement or credit-to-bank section. You can see the total amount credited for transactions completed successfully. You get a transparent view of gross amount, transaction fees if any and the net amount.

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Features we offer

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Mintoak Acorn

Smart and Secure transaction processing platform.